Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shots (immunizations) heard 'round the world....well around the doctor's office at least

Poor little Darby had to get her 4 month shots on Monday. It was a sad, sad scene. At first she was so happy; laughing and smiling at everyone, being so personable. And then, things took a turn for the worst. That evil nurse lady stuck her 4 times, twice in each leg, and Darby lost it! And the whole time, Darby was looking at ME and screaming! She thought it was me causing her horrible torture and pain. I should have hid in the corner while the torture took place, and then ran to the rescue when it was all over. I'll have to remember that for next time. Because it may have been my imagination, but I think Darby kept giving me dirty looks the rest of the day! Can babies hold grudges? Anyway, I have never heard her scream and cry so loudly. The whole office must have thought we were in a torture chamber. Poor baby!!
Onto other fun stories...
Our condo building is getting a new roof, and of course we are the top unit! Oh joy! They are SO loud! They started this morning at 7:30! (That should be illegal). Darby was still sleeping, but not for long. And when I went in to get her, I was welcomed by a very wet baby whose diaper apparently could not hold in all her peepee! This was her first pee-out. So it was a fun morning of washing a pee baby, laundering peepee sheets, and listening to the soothing sounds of the roofers. Hey, at least we have our health! (But maybe not our sanity...)

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

I have to comment, not really for the story...but for the comment link. "That's what she said..." umm fantastic! :)

Oh, and poor Darby. But on a more serious note...poor you! Stupid construction kills me in the morning!