Sunday, June 8, 2008

Party party!! (with no proof....)

Today was Theresa's 19th and Tom's 64th birthday party! We went to Tom and Sue's for dinner. Now this is when I say D'oh! and smack my forehead because we didn't bring our camera!! So no pictures to show the fun times. It's too bad, too, because Darby was wearing her cute little Levi's! Since I refuse to make a post with no pictures, here are some totally random photos of the birthday peops!
Here is a stolen pic of my pretty sis-in-law Theresa from her Facebook:

And here is my father-in-law Tom:

Another reason for a party is that Dave is officially done with school as of today! He had his last final today (I know, Sunday is a weird day for a final!) and he is done editing his papers that are due tomorrow....he is officially done! He gets to wear his very important looking 'hood' at graduation. Of course I will add pictures of him after graduation next week! Im sure Dave will be so happy, muahaha!
This morning I caught a sweet moment between Dave and Darby! He is reading 'What's Wrong Little Pookie?' Anyone heard of it? It's too cute! That silly little Pookie.

And I thought I would add the youngest Obama supporter, just for fun!

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Darby looks like a lil chubby monkey!! an adorable way that is.

What a good Daddy she has! :)