Darby wanted her turn for an M's game.
Stalking Griffey
And stalking the Mariner Moose...
The M's lost (by a lot) but we still had fun!
Today Dave and I were feeling nostalgic or something and strolled on over to the UW campus to see whats new and such. At first Dave was thinking it would be totally boring, but wouldn't you know it, before long all I heard was 'Oh I had a class in that building,' and 'Do you remember when we did this or that...or when Kris jumped in the fountain?' Ahhh memories.
Addiction can start early if you let it.
Hanging out in the Quad and what not.
Giving Dave a rundown on the campus. Wait, what's a rundown? Can you use it in a sentence? ;)
Just jogging. It's normal.
Had to add the one teeth shot. She has 6 now! And a Dora the Explorer toothbrush mind you. And to think I was worried she would remain the toothless wonder for life.
Goodnight Seattle!