Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We Have A Winner! (And other growing-up stories)

Darby has long been the 'Bottle Diva' and has been rockin her Avent's since birth. The transition to sippy cups has been, well, not so much fun. She was having none of it! I tried sippy cups with handles, no handles, no-spill, spill everywhere, small, big...ANYTHING to get this baby to drink out of something other than her precious bottle! I was losing my new-mama mind when I was saved! Low and behold the Nuby!

I was desperate and took my angst to the internet. Other moms of 'sippy cup haters' tipped me off to this little cup o' wonder. Now, it is sort of a glorified bottle, mind you. It has a straw that baby has to suck to get the liquid out, but hey, it got her drinking her milk without the usual fighting/screaming/clawing mommy's eyes out fiasco! So I'll take it! Thank you Nuby, for your genius invention.

Proof Positive

Also wanted to post the classic 'First Spaghetti Photos' Yummmm!

To top it off, as if she hasn't grown up enough already, we have officially retired the Ducky Bath Tub.

How is it possible that she is a little person now, and not a smooshy, wiggly, wrinkly baby?! Oy vey....*sigh*

On a lighter note...

It's getting good!! Is it sad I can't wait for Wednesdays?! And Thursdays, too. Is it possible I watch too much tv?? Hmmmm.


Calley said...

Go Darby! I'm glad you found a sippy cup that works. Sheehs, that can be rrrrough!
Can you believe she's turning into a real true toddler? It is just nuts.
Also, was that the first time they showed the smoke monster last night?? I'm sorry, I laughed. Probably out of confusion. Who the devil is Danielle Rousseau? Gosh, I need to consult my wikipedia. But I still watched and loved it of course.

Darby's Grandma said...

I love that sippy cup! It looks like a toy! Things sure have changed since I used the simple tupperware sippy cups back in the ooooold days - but then again you must not've liked those either since you were a bottle baby for 2 years!
These are adorable pics! Do I have the cutest grandbaby in the world or what? ;)

Mama Megs said...

Although Henderson never had a bottle, when I stopped nursing and gave him a sippy, people would be so mean to me! They were like, "it's just a bottle, just shaped differently." Really people. C'mon. When you're trying to get your kid to do something they need to do, whatever way that works is the right way! Henderson's still on a sippy (a big boy one) and he's almost that bad?!! Congrats to you! And I wish I were into seems like something I'd like :)