Friday, January 9, 2009

Stop using my soap! And other squabbles...

My new favorite past time is reading up on everyone's love/hate relationship with passive aggressiveness. If you have ever a)had roommates, b)worked in an office, c)had a super annoying friend, etc, etc...I daresay you will relate to these little squabbles via post-its. Here is an example :

tilt your head upwards.
January 4th, 2009 · 70 comments
josh from annapolis, maryland says the first and last note in this exchange were apparently written by stephen, a college student at a school “known for it’s obtusely intellectual, chronically spacey student body.”

the notes were gone within a few days, but josh says the situation hasn’t exactly improved. in the meantime, he says, “i’m kinda worried for my own safety. i recently saw this kid chopping firewood in the backyard, so he definitely has an ax.”

I have seriously spent many an hour laughing and living vicariously through these notes...! So hilarious. Laugh it up here!

Have fun :)

Props to Travis for the link on Facebook! Thanks a lot Travis, I was up til 1am reading these...

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