Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fa La La La La......

(Her new favorite face)

The holidays are officially here! We did Turkey Day at the Crompton's which was such fun!! It was a packed house...close to 20 people party harty-ed! Then we ran over to Bremerton for a small turkey dinner with the Willcoxon clan on Saturday, and drooled over Dad's new 50 inch flat screen. (Too much football, by the way) ;)
Today we went out to Farmer Browns Christmas Tree Farm and picked out our tree! Like I's officially the holiday season. Ho Ho Ho. I'm debating putting my daughter through the torture of a picture with Santa. Shall I or shall I not...?
Anyway here are some shots that cover the past few days.

Peeking at Sadie (Poor Sadie is always trapped)

Exploring Grandpa's kitchen

Talking up a storm

T-Day #1

T-Day #2

Christmas Tree Pickin'

(One tree for us, one for Dave's parents)

Now onto Christmas tree lights and popcorn strings!

1 comment:

Mama Megs said...

I LOVE her new face! She gets cuter and cuter! Ok so we're thinking the 12th, 3:00 at Red Robin (This could all change..I haven't heard back from Calley yet, but I'll let you know) Let me know if you can come.
PS-I'm jealous of your in the desert we had to buy a fake one. sniff sniff!