Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Big Day

Tomorrow is the much anticipated release of my (not so) secret love affair; Twilight! Be still my heart! :) I want my hubby to take me on a date to see it....but Im not sure if he is excited to be surrounded by a bunch of screaming tweens. To that I say 'Whatever!'

Im also so excited to see the new Baz Luhrmann film Australia. We all know how I feel about that beautiful place. (Love it, want to live there, etc). It's directed by the guy who made Romeo and Juliet (Leo and Claire Danes version) and Moulin Rouge! I think that means it will be gooooood!
Too many good movies to see...and to my friends going to see the midnight showing of Twilight tonight....curse you! ;) But really, do give me an honest review. I want the scoop! That means you Calley and Megan! ;)


Mama Megs said...

I left my review on my blog just for you! I wrote it just as I got home at 3 am- I had fun with it and need to see it again! I want to see Australia so bad, but with 2 kids it's impossible so it will have to be a netflicks movie. You'll have to tell me how it is!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Shawna, I saw it last night and loved it! Some characters (Carslile, Rosalie) were different than I'd pictured and it took me a bit to warm up to Bella and almost the whole movie to warm up to Edward (weird stares and poofy hair but I did end up loving him). Regardless, I loved it and thought it was well done and it made me anxious and excited to see the rest! Would love to hear your thoughts when you see it...

Stefanie said...

Should I read these books?

I went and saw Bond this weekend. Talk about a stinker! But he is one hottie without a shirt on...MMmmmM! Handsome Bond!

Steve and Lana Kirk said...

The twilight series is a completely different genre of book that I usually read, but since I’ve been hearing so much about it, I stepped out on a whim and bought the books. I’ve read the first three books in the last three days…devouring them as soon as Ethan goes to sleep for the night. I’m completely hooked and can’t wait to start the last book tonight! I saw from your blog that you’re also reading Edgar Sawtelle (the last book that I read). LOVED IT. If you have any other recommendations for things to read I’m totally going to take them since you evidently have amazing taste lol