Wednesday, October 15, 2008

RIP Blackberry Pearl

RIP my pretty little Pearl. You had a short life, just to then be replaced by a Curve.
Yesterday my phone died. I think the following will describe pretty well as to why.
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

And Exhibit C:

Lesson of the day is to not let your baby chew on and/or slobber all over your phone! She now has a very expensive toy that she can chew on all she wants.
So goodbye Pearl, have fun in toy land.
And say hello to my new phone:

On a brighter note, Darby is now a crawling machine!! I have a few pics of her new mobile activity. Video soon to come! Here are a few random ones...


Calley said...

They seriously know what are our most expensive toys! I know this because Summer has broken two cell phones, and two digital cameras in her life. Grrr! And now she breaks babies. I rest my case. But, like I said before, I love Darby's cute little hat! And I just am in love with her eyes. Okay, I'm in love with all of her. Cutest baby smile ever!

Unknown said...

You and Dave have such a beautiful little girl! I found her slobbering on your phone hilarious!

Unknown said...

I have the Curve and I love it! We should be BB buddies, do you use BB messenger? I can see wanting to chat with you extensively on election day. E-mail me your phone number?

Love Darby's new pictures!! Calley's right, the hat is adorable!

Matt and Silvia Decker said...

I completely understand - I lost 2 cell phones the exact same way... :) Darby is adorable!! Silvia.

Mama Megs said...

That is the cutest hat I've ever seen-where did you get it?!

Kristine said...

Your daughter is SO cute! :) Once they are mobile they are harder to catch and get into more things, but fun to watch! Hope you and your new phone have a long-term communication relationship. :)

Steve and Lana Kirk said...

Ethan also ruined one of our phones! What is it with electronics and babies? He tries to play with our laptops too, but thankfully I have managed to keep them alive...although he has pulled off a few buttons from the keyboard which we had to replace.

Darby is sooo cute I bet it's hard to get frustrated about it.

Isn't mobility fun? They can go where they want when they want...which of course can be scary. Ethan has a fascination with the bathroom and of course the toilet bowl and now he's figured out how to open the door...Yeah, I have to keep a hawk eye on that kid.

Stefanie said...

Holy crap...I can just eat her up.

I heart her so much! My babies better be that cute.