Monday, August 25, 2008

Having too much fun!

Darby now sits up by all by herself! And she rolls around like crazy. She is no longer the stationary little baby anymore. I have to be very careful about where I set her down now. Time for a pack n'play!
Here is some sitting up modeling for all the Darby fans out there

Darby and Mommy have too much fun at home! After a bath we tried the Mohawk look shooting Darby up into rock star status

Darby is now a pro at her 'high chair for the house that's too small for a high chair' chair. She loves it and so does mommy. It gives me the freedom I so desire while Darby chills out and plays. Also, Darby has started solids! So far it has only been three days, so we are still on yams. She is a yam fan!


Calley said...

I love her. She's such a supermodel! I'm gonna get myself on that yam diet... :)

Mama Megs said...

We totally had that same high chair for the exact same reason! I loved it though-good times for all! Darby is sooo cute-I can't wait for my little girl to come :)