Friday, February 26, 2010

There was this one week of sunshine and happiness....

This is what my little girl has been doing all week -

Well, not exactly that, but she has been sleeping a lot, coughing like a chain smoker, and sneezing all over me. Poor girl! She has the creeping crud in full force. And I have found the most evil word in the English language might be 'virus,' since there is basically nothing I can do for her except torture her with Tylenol and forcing liquids down her throat. BUT, we did have some good times last week that we like to reminisce about....

We made (and tasted) some cookies with friends

Caught 'Daddy-Dave' (as Darby calls him) finding the perfect magnet outfit

Practiced being a pretty lil flower girl

Got some serious play time in with buddies.
First in our fire hats -

Then in our PJ's -

And we met Boppa and Bamma at the Edmonds waterfront

I basically have suffered cabin fever all week, but there are a few things getting me through it....

Maybe next week we will join the world of the living again....please?!

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