Thursday, August 12, 2010

Over The Hill

My sweet hubby turned 30 yesterday! I know, I know - 30 isn't old.....but it SOUNDS old to you when you first turn 30! Im sure it sounds young to 40 somethings, but seriously, how am I married to a 30 yr old?! Where has the time gone? But alas, Dave makes it look good! :)
I figured since you only turn 30 once I should torture him with a little surprise birthday get together. So I told him we were meeting our friend Kris for drinks, but when we arrived he was surrounded by friends ready to celebrate. He was surprised and had a great time catching up with everyone. I only took a few pics right at the beginning before everyone arrived. I had wanted to get a group shot once everyone was there but forgot! Blast!
Happy 30th Dave! Here's to many many more! 


Alicia said...

I agree I feel like I'm getting old! And Scott is only 28! haha

Nadine Peters said...

love it! you are a such a great wifey!