Can I just say Darby is spoiled. I have a feeling a lot of the other kiddies her age around the world are spoiled rotten, too. Or at least that's what I tell myself.
We spent Christmas Eve in Bremerton with my side of the family. The annual partay at my Grandma's house followed by more presents at my parents place.
Let the spoiling commence.

The goods at my parents house

A few new BFF's

And here is just a little clip of the joyous sound I get to listen to day and night of said new BFF (at least there's an off switch) :)
T-Ball skills to rival the boys

And she was glued to my Dad's lap all night! She calls him 'bapa' and basically just loves his guts. Every time he got up to do something she would yell 'Bapa!!!!'

Christmas morning at our house included all the already unwrapped gifts from Christmas Eve + our one stroller for Darby + the classy 'fireplace channel' on our totally awesome early 90's tv. We rock it like it's hot.
But whatever - look at that face! She could care less! She was super excited for her $10 stroller! :) We'll save the classin' it up for when we're old or something.

Puzzle crazy

THEN we went to Dave's parents house and spoiled the child some more...

Until she was pooped

Now onto the photo montage of all my presents.....
Just Kidding!! I'll stop the torture now, I think I've gone on long enough ;)
Merry Christmas!