Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pumpkin Hunting

Has it really been a year?! Time has flown by since the last time we visited Carleton Farm! We love it because it's close enough that you don't feel like you're traveling cross country to get some pumpkins...and it just really is the place of little kid dreams!

Here is Darby last year at Carleton Farm -

Is this the same kiddo? Now she is just too hip hop to even be held by her Mom and Dad and opted for traversing the pumpkin vines herself.

Hay ride

We are always being told how humongous Darby we had to measure her ;)

The search is on!

Darby's choice

She was saying 'ewwwwww' to this pumpkin. So rude.

Checking out the (small) animal selection

Pumpkin hunting is over for another year!


Mike Skiff said...

looks like a blast! We are going to go this weekend...but its a drive to get to. She is getting so big!

Alicia said...

Hey, we know that place! =) We got our pumpkin there when I was prego with David before we moved. It's definitely a fun place. And your little girl is adorable! I hope my little girl get's that much hair in the next year. I'd love to be able to make it pretty!